5 Best Back muscle exercises
Back muscle exercises
Your spine or back is the foundation of your whole posture. In order to make your posture accurate, you must have strong back muscles. Most people complain to have backache and stretched back muscles. It is highly recommended to these individuals that they must try these simple back muscle exercises. Some of these exercises require fancy equipment. However, mostly you can perform these exercises from your home. It is always advised to hit the gym whenever you are going to perform any vigorous exercises. With the help from an assistance, you can easily learn how to get into shape. Let's take a look at five best back muscle exercises.1. TRX Suspension Row
This fancy exercise will allow you to make the movement of your upper back smooth and straight. As you use the rope or string to pull up your back, you will get a stronger grip and strength on your back and arms. This exercise is best for the beginners who want to learn to make their back strong and straight. However, if you feel intense pain in your back while performing this exercise then it is highly advised to leave the exercise in an instant and go see the physician. Take a look at how to perform this exercise.How to Do the TRX Suspension Row
- Open your feet with shoulder-width apart.
- Grab the handles of the TRX rope as shown in the figure and lean back in a comfortable position.
- Set your level of difficulty and adjust body position as required. The more your torso is upright, the easier the exercise will be.
- Keep your feet on the ground and set your body in the position of a plank.
- Pull yourself up towards the handle..
- Make your position in a way such that your elbows must not flare out and shoulders must not collapse forward.

2. Lat Pulldown - Back Muscle exercises
This is yet another exercise that requires a pull bar so that you can perform the back exercise in an efficient manner. This pull bar is generally attached to a cable pulley. You have to pull that cable pulley towards your chest. The tension in the cable will let you increase your stamina and help in growth and stimulating your back muscles. The exercisers who are unable to do pull-ups will benefit from this simple exercise. This exercise is similar to the simple pull up exercise. The only difference is that you are doing this exercise while sitting on a bench and the traditional pull ups are done while you are standing. You are essentially putting your whole body weight during this exercise.Learn how to Do the Lat Pulldown:
- Sit on the bench and set your legs under the pad.
- Keep your hands grasping the bar attachment.
- Keep your hands slightly shoulder-width apart and the grip of your palms face away.
- Pull the bar towards your chin, keeping your core tight and torso straight - It is also normal to have an arched back at this moment.
- Drive your shoulder blades together at the end.
- As you are returning to the initial position, resist the weights slowly.

3. Seated Cable Row (for Lats)
Lat muscles connect your arms to your vertebral column. In this way this exercise can also be interpreted as strengthening your lower-upper back. In this variation of rowing exercise, your torso will become straight and strong with the help of neutral grip cable. The cable is generally as wide as your shoulder. With the help of cable, you will be able to take advantage of constant resistance. You will be able to create huge tension in your lat muscles with the correct hand position and arm path. Let's take a look at how to perform this exercise routine.Steps to do seated cable row (for Lats)
- Keep your feet on the foot platform and be seated in the cable row.
- With a strong hand grip, grasp the attachment with a neutral grip.
- Keep your core tight and the torso leaned forward at the hip slightly. Keep your back straight in the whole procedure.
- Pull the string towards the upper part of your abdomen.
- Resist the weight gradually as you lean back to your initial position.

4. Seated Cable Row (for Upper Back)
The previous exercise was majorly for your lat muscles. In order to make adjustments in your upper back, this seated cable row will help you to sit in the accurate posture. In this variation of rowing exercise, your torso will become straight and strong with the help of neutral grip cable. All of the back exercises require strong grip on the cable. This grip will be the decisive factor to make your back muscles strong. In comparison with the lats, the arm path in this routine will be relatively higher than the seated row. This will help you align the rowing motion along with your rear delt as well as upper back muscles. The upper back muscles may include traps, rhomboids, and teres major.
Learn the routine 'Seated Cable Row' (for Upper Back)
- Keep your feet on the foot platform and be seated in the cable row.
- With a strong neutral hand grip, grasp the attachment.
- Keep your core tight and the torso leaned forward at the hip slightly. Keep your back straight in the whole procedure. You can let your torso lean back towards your hip a bit.
- Pull the string towards the upper part of your chest.
- Let your arms extend behind you.
- Resist the weight gradually as you lean back to your initial position.
5. Dead-lift Barbell
Lifting the dead weight is the normal exercise of the heavy-weight champions to make their backs stronger and sharper. Dead-lifting with barbells will make your back as strong as a rock. This exercise will help you make your lower back and it is best suited for those who are used to carrying heavy weights. This exercise will effectively work on your lower back, erector spinae muscles, hamstrings and glutes. You only need a barbell deadlift to effectively complete this exercise. Directions:- Open your feet wide in accordance with your shoulder and stand behind barbell.
- Keep your chest lifted, start to bend at hips and slowly bend knees, in order to pick up barbell. This can also be done on the bench in laying position.
- Always keep your back straight while you are lifting weight.
- Your grip on the barbell must be tight
- Keep both palms facing towards you.
- Keep strong feet on the floor and stand upright.
- Push back up to a standing position. Your back should remain straight throughout the movement and your shoulders should be down and back.
- Get back to the initial position
- Bend your hips back and slowly bend knees, and bring the barbell back toward ground.
- Complete the exercise in 1 to 3 sets of 12 reps.