5 of the Best Kettlebell Workouts for beginners
Kettlebell Workouts
It is easy to say, 'workout is not difficult for me, I can easily carry heavy weight and reduce my extra calories in few workout routines.' Little do you know is the fact that it requires a continuous and persistent effort from an exerciser to reduce weight effectively. There are a plenty of workout routines and exercises that you can perform at your home. However, there are plenty of workout equipment that can help you cut your weight effectively. Kettlebell is one of the best workout gadget that can help you reduce weight and make muscles. Kettlebell workout routines are considered as the best workout routines to make biceps and triceps. People have this misconception in their minds that their body structure will deform by doing these simple kettlebell workout exercises. However, all of these are just myths. Today, we will discuss five best Kettlebell workouts for beginners. Let's go ahead and take a look at each one of these.1. Kettlebell Swing
As the name suggests, Kettlebell swing is an exercise that will allow you to swing kettlebell and help make your biceps and triceps strong and active. Follow these simple steps in order to perform this exercise routine with kettlebell. How to perform Kettlebell Swing:- Stand straight on the ground with your feet wider than the width of our shoulder.
- Bend your knees.
- Grab the kettlebell with your hands as shown in the picture.
- Keep your back flat.
- Move your hips forward and backward a bit and swing the weight of kettlebell below your head level.
- Keep the height of the weight on your shoulder level.
- Return back to initial position.
- Repeat the procedure without losing control.

2. Kettlebell Snatch
Next up we have kettlebell snatch. This is quite a heavy exercise for your arms and shoulders. However, people who are enthusiastic exercisers would like to perform this heavy routine almost on daily basis. Let's take a quick look on how this exercise is performed. Steps to perform Kettlebell snatch:- Go in an open field or an open space.
- Hold a kettlebell in one hand.
- Hold it between your legs in a squat down position.
- Keep your thighs parallel to the floor.
- Squat position must be maintained accordingly.
- Move the kettlebell upwards through your hips and knees.
- Swing it as the kettlebell rise up to your shoulder height.
- Rotate your hand clockwise.
- Push the kettlebell upwards until your arm is locked out.
- Go back to the position of squat down.
- Return the weight to the initial position.
- Repeat the exercise with the other arm.
- Swap sides as you are moving forward with your exercise.
It has been found through research that exercisers who perform kettlebell snatches can burn around 20 kcals of weight in a minute. Always remember that the exercisers should take rest of 15 seconds after working out for 15 seconds kettlebell snatch workout. The maximum heart rate that the exercisers maintain during the exercise is 86 to 99 percent. It will make it essentially easy for the exercisers to loss weight.
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3. Kettlebell Goblet Squat - Kettlebell workouts
Squat is an exercise that is extremely helpful for all those who want to have strong glutes and hips muscles. However, with kettlebell goblet squat, you can not only easily loss weight and keep a strong balance but you can also make your hips, thighs and glutes strong. Kettlebell goblet squat is not an easy squat type. It requires you to carry weight and perform goblet squats while keeping your back and hips straight. Let's take a look at how to perform a kettlebell goblet squat workout routine. Steps to perform goblet squat workout:- Stand straight on the ground with your feet wider than the width of your shoulder.
- Grab the kettlebell with your hands as shown in the picture.
- Your palms should face each other and place the kettlebell clasping in your hand in front of your chest.
- Bend your knees.
- Lower yourself into a squat position.
- Do not lose control over your kettlebell.
- Remember to not round your back.
- Move back up straight.
- Repeat the exercise as long as you feel fine.

4. Alternate Kettlebell Shoulder Press
While you are making muscles, it is advised to keep a good focus on your shoulder muscles. Alternate kettlebell shoulder press will not only help you tone your shoulder muscles but these will also let you extend your shoulder height. A good torso is always attractive to sight. If you want a strong upper body, then you should consider this exercise. Let us take a quick look at how this exercise should be performed. Steps to perform alternate kettlebell shoulder press:- Stand straight on the ground with your feet wider than the width of your shoulder.
- Hold two kettlebells at your shoulder height.
- Extend your arm above your head.
- Press one of the weights above your head.
- Keep on pressing the weight until you extend your arm above your head.
- Lower the kettlebell towards your shoulder.
- Repeat the exercise with the other arm.

5. Kettlebell Side Plank - Kettlebell workouts
Plank is an exercise that is extremely helpful for all those who want to have strong glutes, thighs, abdomen and hips muscles. However, with a kettlebell side plank, you can not only easily lose weight and keep a strong balance but you can also make your hips, thighs and glutes strong. It is the best exercise to make your core strong and powerful. Kettlebell side planks are not an easy plank type. It requires you to carry weight and perform side planks while keeping your back and hips straight. Let's take a look on how to perform a kettlebell side plank workout routine. How to perform kettlebell side plank- Keep the kettlebell in your right hand.
- Start the exercise in a high-plank position as shown in the figure.
- Tighten your core.
- Keep a neutral position on your spine.
- Slowly lift the weight up by rowing your arm back.
- Rotate your body simultaneously in order to open up into a position of side plank.
- Gradually extend your arm straight above your head.
- Repeat the exercise for as long as you desire.
- Switch to the other side inside plank position.
- It is extremely helpful for the beginners.