Dumbbell workout plan at home
I have recently started my workout regime and let me be 100% honest right now! This workout routine is magic. The dumbbell workout plan that I follows is extremely helpful and I do not need to go to the gym or any other place for this. I can start my workout routine right away in the morning from my home space. I am a huge fan of strong and sharp muscles and I believe that everyone deserves a sound body and mind. However, it is entirely up to an individual how they take care of their body. When people start working out, their expectations to weight loss becomes high. Losing weight is not at all easy. You must go through hectic and intensive exercises and must be constant in your routine.
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Let's take a quick look at my dumbbell workout plan. Hopefully, you will get amazing results after following this simple and easy plan.
Body part splits
Each week starts with a different workout. In a span of one month, there are four different workouts. Each workout routine focuses on a different area of your body part. The first workout will target your chest and back. The focus of second workout will be your arms, specifically biceps and triceps. Third workout will focus your legs and abs and the fourth will impact your shoulders.
All these workout routines will help you add strength to your muscles and give extra power to your torso as quickly as possible.
I plan the first three workouts in a way that these effect different muscle groups. This will function in a way that when one part of the body is working, the other recovers. In this way you can change the intensity levels in your routines. Plus, you will be able to lift the heaviest possible weights. Additionally, you can keep yourself in a good form to revive the maximum amount of muscle growth.
It is entirely your will how you want to schedule your workout routine. Ideally, the time to start your workout is either on Monday, Wednesday or Friday, Sunday.
Workout structure - Dumbbell workout plan at home
I divide the four-week exercise into six major exercises which is further comprised into three supersets. These are termed as A1 and B1, A2 and B2, and A3 and B3. It is best for you to complete all the sets of one exercise before you move on to the next exercise. Once you are done with all the sets and reps of the first superset, you would tend to move on to the second superset and therefore, repeat the sequence.
Let us start the routine with the first superset of the plan. Following are the instructions for the plan. Mind that this is the plan for week 1.
A1 Floor press – It contains
4 Sets with 10
Reps. Resting time - 0 sec and
Tempo - 2010
B1 Hammer bent-over row – It contains
4 Sets with 10
Reps. Resting time 60 sec and
Tempo - 2010
A2 Dumbbell Press-up - It contains
4 Sets with 10
Reps. Resting time 0 sec and
Tempo - 2010
B2 Reverse Flye - It contains
4 Sets with 10
Reps. Resting time 60 sec and
Tempo - 2010
A3 Wide-dumbbell press-up - It contains
4 Sets with 10
Reps. Resting time 0 sec and
Tempo - 2010
B3 Renegade row - It contains
4 Sets with 10
Reps. Resting time 60 sec and
Tempo - 2010
With the first superset completed, move on to the next superset and repeat the method.
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Dynamic stretching routine
Before you start your intensive workout routine with dumbbells or any exercising gadget, always start first with stretching or little warm-up routine. I always start my workout with this simple dynamic workout routine. It will only take few minutes and your whole body will get into constant movement. Let's take a brief look at this simple and dynamic stretching routine!
- Start with static hip flexor stretch. Do for 30-60 sec at each side.
- After hip flexor stretch, perform deep lunge with hip circles. Do this exercise in 5 circles each leg.
- Go into deep lunge hold position and perform with thoracic rotation. Perform this in 5 reaches each side.
- Increase the intensity of workout with downward dog walk-out in 5 reps.
- Lastly, do lunge with overhead reach in 20 reps.
You can easily perform intensive and more aggressive workouts now. I personally believe that light and dynamic stretching is always a good choice if you tend to move towards heavy exercise. This is because our muscles are already relaxed before any workout session. If we start heavy exercises right away then there are high chances that our body could get sore and our muscles will become stiff. However, before even starting stretching routine, take a quick examination at your daily health activity. If you had some kind of pain in your back, arms or legs then it is advised to not prolong the session if even this stretching routine. Precaution is always better than taking risks.
Conclusion - Dummbell workout plan at home
I am a huge fan of exercising, working out or even weight lifting. I believe that everyone deserves a sound body and mind. However, it is entirely up to an individual how they take care of their body. When people start working out, their expectations to weight loss becomes high. Losing weight is not at all easy. You must go through hectic and intensive exercises and must be constant in your routine. This above mentioned exercising routine is just amazing and very easy for the individuals to carry on without any hindrance unless you there occurs any medical emergency. People now have become aware of the healthy lifestyle and they have even shifted their diet to vegan and less carbs. This has given motivation to the most of the people who want to lose extra fat from their bodies. However, diet alone will not give you your desired body. For this, you have to put some extra efforts and start doing exercises daily.
Dumbbell workout plan at home will help you lose extra calories from your body. This aforementioned routine is too simple and you do not need to hit a fancy gym to perform this exercise routine. Rather, you must have a set or pair of good quality
dumbbells that you can find easily from
HAJEXFitness. Once you have them, you are good to go with the easiest exercise routine of all time.
You can also lose extra fats from your biceps or arms by performing simple
biceps exercises.